09 June 2012


There was only one thing I wanted from Germany. Deodorants. American deos suck big time. Sticky little evil things. These should take me through the summer.

Now we are off to sign the lease agreement and collect the keys. Along with the lease agreement, we received many many attachments about the Northpark rules and regulations. Took me a good while reading through them last night. I have always despised people who choose to live in gated communitys. Now we have lived in a semi gated community ourselves and are about to move to a completely gated one. I like it now but I still think it creates a fear against something which may not exist. I even caught myself thinking the other day "living in a street with no gates..well just ANYONE can walk past your house". Yep. Not sure this is a bad thing. Irvine is pretty super safe compared to any town I have lived in before.


Desiree said...

Håller med dig om att de amerikanska deosarna inte är mycket för världen. Jag gillar roll-on varianten och det fanns inte många sådana att välja på i USA där vill de ju ha sina sticks hela tiden som jag inte gillade.

Jane said...

Lite lustigt är det ju, det så mycket att välja när det gäller många produkter men när det gäller deodoranter så känns det som om t.om gamla DDR var modernare och hade fler alternativ