02 November 2011

Busy Days

Since getting the new car I find myself being quite a busy little bee. The whole day just disappeared yesterday and I have really no idea where it went. I went down to South Laguna in the morning to the Brow Boutique http://brow-boutique.com/BrowBoutique/Welcome.html, such a neat little place. I discovered it back in February and they treat your eye brows as they wre the last drop of water on earth.

Continued to Costco, Whole Foods..and whoops, it was already 4 pm. Completely failed in Costco's, I always try to spend less 100 $ in that is a promise I rarely can keep. Hubby came home last night and complained it was a little chilly outside. Chilly?  I needed a second shower when I came home. Remember what we left behind us, my dear. November in Germany is not fun! Weather forecast on Sunday showed some cooler temperatures for this week, well, we are back to 26 C today so it looks like it is going to be another beautiful day. Funny thing is, when I was looking for new flip flops the other day at the mall, all they had were winter shoes, boots etc. Hm.

The cleaning lady should be on her way soon so I am frenetically trying to find something to do for the next 2,5 hours. I do need to find a hair dresser, the sooner the better. It took me years to find a decent one in Cologne so I expect some research will be needed online first. And some idea of the prices here. We tip at the hair dresser's in Germany too (not in Sweden) but I have a suspicious feeling, the tip might be a tad higher here though. I'll let you know how it goes. Last time I searched for "Best xxx in Orange County" (I think I was looking for a facial) I did not end up happy with the result, even if the location I picked had loads of good reviews. I'll let you know how it goes.

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