16 August 2012

Sweat Monkey!

Went to the beach this morning, and OMG that was hard work! It was really hard finding somewhere to park so we ended up having to walk a far bit. Me, the bags, and babs. No pram. Think I sweated the whole Lake Tahoe. It was a nice change going to the beach instead of the pool. We didn´t go in the water, that would have been too much work (note; on my own, I ALWAYS go in the water, I was born in Umeå, anything above 15 degrees C is warm!!) so we just sat on the blanket. Nice change but sooo much work. SUn was beaming on us, it was hot hot hot and not sure we will do that again. Unless we find a small beach. With a huge car park. I know I am a fussy mum sometimes. I don´t like sand everywhere, hence we will most lilkely only go to the beach when hubby is around so we share the burden and I don´t like mushy bananas etc, hence the only time Emily will have the joy of eating it is before bath time.

                                                          Newport Beach close to 62 st.

Thought I derseved a wild salmon soft taco from La Sirena for lunch after all the effort going to and from the beach. For some reason I thought it had cooled down so when I decided to take that 15 minute walk I had know idea what I was letting myself into to.  A very sweaty stroll!

Naughty to have a mid week diet coke. Both hubby and me have been on a soda detox for a while. We have never had this much soda as here in the US: Scary!! Those damn refills end up being evil, you completely lose control how much you really have had. Before we moved here, we were sparkling water junkies, but since the water is kind of pricey here plus you  can´t buy crates everywhere we have started drinking diet coke at home. NOT good. Need my sparkling drink but something has to change.

Tomorrow we are back at the pool - nice & relaxing!


Desiree said...

Ser vackert ut på stranden men jag kan tänka mig att det lätt blir en svettig promenad om man ska gå en bra bit med baby och packning. Det där med läsken känner jag så väl igen. Det var i USA jag bestämde mig för att sluta dricka läsk vare sig diet eller sockerläsk. Jag har inte druckit läsk på flera år nu och saknar det inte. Läsk är ju som vatten många gånger i USA.

Jane said...

Jodå, jag svettades ut en hel sjö längs ryggen kändes det som.
Det blir en väldigt ond cirkel med läsk här, och vi försöker verkligen att dricka mindre. Tyvärr så smakar kranvattnet pyton.
