19 August 2012

Dentist Appointment

Hubby had a dentist yesterday (yes - on a Saturday) so I decided to drive him and walk around Corona Del Mar Plaza while waiting for him. There are a couple of nice shops there and I actually think I have found my first favourite shop in the US, Sienna Brown. The Plaza is one of the nicer ones, with plenty of boutiques and a couple of cafés. On the way down there we were discussing wheter or not we should go for lunch afterwards and if hubby would be in pain sorting his root canal out. Nope, I said reminding him about my visit a few weeks ago where I was offered ibuprofen after having my teeth cleaned. Americans don´t like pain. Or, they like convinience. How right I was.  Hubby got not just one but two shots and a card with the dentist´s private phone number just in case he would feel any discomfort later. What a service huh!

Ice cream after we got tired of walking around. I have to agree with the Germans at the table next to us, ice cream is expensive here! This little cup cost me $ 4.50!! I miss the Italian ice cream cafes in Germany!! It was easy to spot the Germans next to us, the woman had hairy legs and no pedicure (UNTHINKABLE here), and she smoked. I rarely see anyone smoking here,

                                                       The Plaza. Lots of nice little shops.

 New favourite shop? I haven't found ANY favourite shops since moving here. A long time ago I loved Banana Republic. That was before GAP (or, GAP's parent company bought them).

Also found a new supermarket, Bristol Farms, yaaaaay, how nice. Lot's of delicious stuff. Fresh salsas.. I am a bit of a salsa junkie. Fresh salsa junkie. Find it extremely hard to walk past that section in the store. Had to pass on the cheese though, $ 12 for a tiny bit Gouda. Rip off!!


Desiree said...

Håller med dig om att Banana Republic inte alls är lika kul längre. Tycker att det är väldigt mycket same same där mest hela tiden. Går in där någon gång ibland väldigt sällan men brukar inte hitta så värst mycket där. Kul att du hittat en ny favoritbutik. Har inte varit på Sienna Brown någon gång. Den fanns nog inte i Alabama ens en gång. Får kolla efter den nästa gång jag är i USA.

Jane said...

Sienna Brown känns verkligen europeisk, härligt med en ny butik! Banana går jag inte ens in på längre, så synd så synd.