07 October 2012

World Market

On our way home from a play date in Laguna Beach Friday morning I decided to stop off at World Market, aka Cost Plus. Rumours had it they had a wee Swedish section at the moment, and I was not disappointed. Normally I am not such a big fan of this shop, think it is a little bit tacky but you do find bargains occasionally and some Swedish dajm and kexchoklad - who can go wrong with that.


Friday night was also date night. A little unprepared the two tired parents sat down in the car. Where are we going? What, you didn´t make a reservation anywhere? We decided to drive down to Corona del Mar since that is where you find some of the best restaurants imo.

Ended up at Gulfstream, a so so seafood restaurant. By the way, I am still looking for a restaurant which doesn´t have cobb salad, burger and sandwiches on the menu. Folks, what is wrong with you. You at sandwiches at home or as lunch somewhere, but not on a Friday night and certainly not at a place where they charge $ 34 for two not so jumbo crabcakes!

We were lucky to get a table after waiting for only 10 minutes and even luckier to get one outside - just a wee loud inside, and lots and lots of cougars at the bar!

                                                                     Classic Clarke pic!

Afterwards we went for a pint at the Shamrock Irish Bar & Grill. What a dump. Either we were typical parrents, going for a pint at 8 pm, way earlier than everyone else. Or are all Irish pubs like this around here? Empty with not so great Guiness. At lease the fella behind the bar knew had to pull it. That's a first! Big boo for the prices, once the live music started - an Irish guy playing Christy Moore and Tears for Fears -  they went up by one dollar.  We miss Charlie's. And we miss having a local.


Desiree said...

Jag gillar world market. Tycker att de har en hel del som inte finns på andra ställen. Man kan göra ett och annat fynd även om det självklart är mycket skit och tingeltangel också. Men med jämna mellanrum tycke jag att jag hittade ett och annat där som jag gillade både till hemmet och i matväg.

Jane said...

Jag måste erkänna jag hittade en grej till badrummet. Och lite fint julpyssel hade de:)