15 January 2012

Power Walks

Keeping up with the walking...A year ago I could run 10 km without getting too much out of breath. Now I  power walk for 45 minutes and can hardly breathe afterwards. Help!!

We have a trail just behind the complex, it is usually empty and I only see one or two people out walking.

 Pics from the trail with the last one showing the entrance to our complex.

I also walk around the shopping complex which is LARGE. It consists of a couple of blocks, not the tiny European ones, proper American BIG blocks. Problem is when I have to cross the street. 8 lanes need to be crossed within 26 seconds. Yep. I am a fast walker and I just make it.

Noticed yesterday that half a burrito and half a quesedilla do not go well with a healthy diet. Cost me a kilo, or should I say, added a kilo. Trip to Costco yesterday with lots of healthy food will hopefully discourage any such temptations in the near future. Hopefully. Need not to be hungry or in a rush next time I go to Costco. The normal such polite and friendly people turn in to crazy maniacs when there is free food around. Queues everywhere. They all have their eyes set on one thing. Free food samples.

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