29 January 2012

Beach Weather

Drove down to Crystal Cove this morning for some breakfast which turned out to be lunch instead. We had to wait 1,5 hour for a table! I had the crab cakes which were absolutely delicious.

Lovely little place by the beach, just a shame it is so popular! Not the beach, but the restaurant.

This is also a great spot for seal or dolphon watching. Today we saw one seal and a couple of pelicans.

Headed to IKEA afterwards to buy another chest of drawers. Managed to fit in the car despite having the pram in there. Shame about the food corner in there now, no "proper" Swedish food to buy anymore, only IKEAs own label. Once we got home I was going to have a swim but both pools were full of crap from the trees so no exercise today. Well, apart from the walk from the car park to the beach and back.

Tomorrow we are most likely heading north, to El Lay, for some sightseeing! My mother-in law is here and since Emily quite enjoys to be out and about these days (plus it wears her out, haha) we`ll have a day out.

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