23 January 2012

Sunday Walk in Pictures

Despite it looking rather chilly outside we decided to take a walk. Chilly by Californian standards, not European. Standards we seem to be adjusting to very fast :)

Emily wasn't too impressed at first but she fell asleep after a while.

 Tried to take a picture of the mountains, obviously the zoom on the camera is not doing its job

 Lots of cactus
And interesting looking trees...

 Big junctions to cross and me trying to keep up with hubby

 Lots of lemon trees, in fact, I don't think I have ever seen so many lemons at once! I was sooo tempted to pick one but too many cars driving by
 More funny looking trees

Mountains...I need a better zoom!

Once back home, we quickly fed Emily and rove to Alan's where we went for tea at counter burger..build your own burger kind of place. Nice naked burger with some delicious salad for me:)

Managed to keep Emily awake until 8.30 last night and she slept through until 4 am this morning. Yippie!

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