22 January 2012

Grim Weather

Saturday was going to be such an eventful day. I was going to head down to the farmers market in Laguna Beach in the morning to get some vegetables and fruit and in the afternoon we were going for a walk. What happened? It rained. A lot. It never rains here but yesterday morning it certainly rained cats and dogs. So instead of the farmers market I drove to Trader Joe's and Albertson's to do the weekly shopping. Came home with some lovely Gerolsteiner sparkling water, boiled eggs (I am nearly embarrassed to admit to buying boiled eggs) and some lunch from Panera Bread. NOT healthy. Worst of all, I had a weak moment and bought this cobblestone

For some reason I thought it would be healthier than a cinnamon roll. Ha! So far I haven't eaten it, staying strong!

Since we had a bot of a sandwich galore in the afternoon we opted for a healthy snack in the evening

Homemade guacamole

and the latest trend here, raw food :)

Rented a movie on apple TV, The ides of March. Turned out to be pretty good!

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