05 September 2012

Mid Week Stress!

The normally such organised me is failing at the moment. I ordered some formula from diapers.com the other day, 6 containers since it was an offer, only to discover (when opening the HUGE box) that I had ordered the wrong one. SIGH. Instead of saving time I now have to return the damn thing AND go shopping.

Second stress factor, Lufthansa is on strike. The Germans are usually so reliable, (I always avoid flying with Spanish or French airlines, haha) but now they have decided to go on strike. This week. When we are travelling. It would be a disaster if the flight got cancelled. Not only because of the delays but the long stay car park at LAX is booked. hotel in Florence, connecting flight from Munich, transfer from Florence airport to hotel and so on...so, knock on wood, hopefully they will either get their pay rise or back down. Either way, we really do want to fly Friday night.

A totallt different subject - I am back at Barry's! Went Saturday morning and had a very near death experience, sort of seeing stars after 10 minutes on the tread mill. Horribly out of shape, with other words. After nursing myself on Sunday I decided to give it another shot on Monday and whoops, I am back in the routine and enjoying it. Phew. Never, never, never ever take a four week break again.

I am also very happy to annouce that Emily's first words are in Swedish (Sweden 1, England 0). She syas "titta" (look) several times a day, and claps her hands when we say "klappa händerna". Way to go babe!


Unknown said...

Bra start! Första året är jätteviktigt för att få igång dem, men även deras uttal. Lycka till - order komma säkert bara fortsätta att trilla ur hennes mun nu. Så kul fas!

Jane said...

Tack för att du tittade in Lena!