15 July 2012

Park Fun and Beautiful Summer Night

Went to Barry's this morning, first and unfortunately only time this week. With all the lack of sleeping, I have been way to tired to go. Looks like I am used to the sleep deprivation because this morning I managed to roll out of bed feeling alive at 7.30. I must have the weakest arms! Or I simply suck at push ups. And we are talking about push ups on the knees. Didn't even have that many alpha femals around me, somehow they were all pushing away on their toes though, and there I was dripping of sweat (not in the corner, no need to hide anymore!) with my arms shaking. Anyway, good start of the day!

Went to the park this afternoon to watch hubby play footie, met a nice couple from France, hopefully they will be back for the footie tournament in a few weeks.

You have no idea how much effort it was to get that hat to stay on

Had it been Swedenm it would have been a perfect summer evening tonight and everyone would have been sitting outside. Here it was just another evening and as usual there was no sight of any other neighbours. Being a true Swede, you have to take advantage of the weather and be outside as much as possible, meaning BBQ time!

Delicious italian hot sausage, corn on the cob

New gadget from sur la table, get ready for those quesadillas!

Lovely summer evening


Desiree said...

Skön dag. Önskar att vi i Sverige kunde få lite mer av ert fina väder. Smart med den där quesadilla grejen. Den gillar jag. Hoppas att Emily snart får tandvärken att gå över så att du får sova lite mer. Strongt att ändå kämpa dig upp och sedan gå och träna.

Jane said...

Tack, man vänker sig efter ett tag, haha