01 May 2012

I hate hate hate..

anything that has to do with health insurance in the US. It just took me ONE WEEK to schedule an appointment with pure pediatrics. And at least one hour to fill out all the paper work - 8 pages with credit card details and one billion of questions.. sigh. It took them 2 days to verify our health insurance and additionally 5 days to decide whoch doctor we should be assigned to. I can go on and on about this topic so for sure, this will not be the last time I'll bring it up!

Had a very pleasant weekend. Saturday turned out to be super busy. Saturday I went to the SWEA brunch for new members - it was at someone's house in Costa Mesa. And what a house. What a location! Super nice, and some interesting conversations. I did not join SWEA in Cologne for various reasons but I think SWEA here in OC seems really nice. Looking forward to the upcoming events!

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